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Public announcement....

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Public announcement.... Empty Public announcement....

Post  Bobo the Clownkiller Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:40 pm

Shoot all the Clown by Bruce Dickinson blasts through the RRW arena as Bobo the Clownkiller enters the ring and grabs the microphone....

Bobo:"Okay cut my music....You know, not that long ago the Clownkiller was sitting at home. Chillin', relaxing....I was doing my own thing has all of a sudden the phone rang. I picked up and on the other side of the line there was a man that was in deperate need of help. That man on the other side of the line was none other then Jared Fogle, your R&RW GM....He asked me Bobo the Clownkiller? I replide Yes that's my name...He said Can I call you Bobo? I said No....He continued Then Mr.Bobo I need your help I told him I don't know who you talked to but I'm not one of those help organisations, I don't do any charity work....He told me My wrestling federation is infested by clowns, I need your help please I replide Just tell where and when and I'll be on my way asap.....Because if there's anything I hate it's clowns....Now just 2 months later I stand before you as Bobo the Clownkiller, the savior of the RRW and the slayer of the Circus de Nightmare. The Circus de Nightmare that once moved through the RRW like a cancer is dead and gone. Now I see a few puzzled faces in the crowd asking themselves, hold on how can the Circus de Nightmare be dead and gone? Bizarro and that other guy Disgusto are still in the R&RW and they're in the Circus de Nightmare....You're totally right, the Circus de Nightmare may not be all dead and gone yet but their clown illness can't be cured or adequately treated, they're surely terminal....

Now that brings me to why I actually came out here tonight. With the Circus de Nightmare problem almost resolved you maybe thinking to yourselfs, Hey with those guys out of the way the R&RW is finally cured of it's clown infestation right?, this is just the beginning, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The infection they cased has spread though out the RRW and there are people in the RRW who jumped on the wagon of the clown parade and know they're a clown and there are some who are a clown but they don't know yet....With that being said and keeping that in mind the Clownkiller found it necessary that it's time for a public announcement. A public announcement to warn everybody against clowns....Now you may ask yourself, how do I know if I'm a clown or how do I know if someone else in my neighborhood is a clown? Well for all those people, here are some scientific ways to tell if you're a clown....

Do you think you're funny but you're absolutely not?

Do you like to paint your face?

Do you wear a red nose?

Do you wear floppy shoes?

If you recognize yourself or someone you know in one these things or maybe in all of them then you or that person you know are a clown.

Just send €10.- for my won't be video or audio but a roll of ducktape!!!! Use it to tie up that person you suspect to be a clown and beat the living hell out of them!!!! Or just call the Clownkiller hotline and I'll come down and kill that clown for you!!!!


It's only €1.- per 10 seconds and kids please ask the person who's paying the bills permission before you make the call. If they won't let you call my hotline then they're a bunch of clowns and I'll sent you my tape free of charge....This public announcement has been brought to you by Clownkiller Inc. you savior in hard times. Thank you for your attention...."

Shoot all the Clown by Bruce Dickinson starts blasting through the RRW arena as Bobo the Clownkiller exits the ring....
Bobo the Clownkiller
Bobo the Clownkiller

Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-07-01

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