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The arrival of the Clownkiller

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The arrival of the Clownkiller Empty The arrival of the Clownkiller

Post  Bobo the Clownkiller Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:06 am

A car pulls onto the R&RW arena parking lot. A man gets out and walks towards the staff only entrance at the back of the building. After a hard knock on the door the security guard opens the door....

Guard:"Yes? How can I help you?"

Bobo:"We're with the band...."

Guard:"You''re with the band? What band? This ain't concert hall pal, this is the R+RW arena. The only music played here is the entrance music before the R+RW superstars make their way to ring to put their bodies on the line to entertain the R+RW fans!!!! You know blood, sweat and tears and all that stuff...."

Bobo:"Yeah yeah hold your horses....I was only joking about that band thing, it was from the Blues Brothers. You know the movie?....No, doesn't ring a bell? A well like I was saying, I was only joking, it's good for moral you know...."

Guard:"Ah very funny....not!!!! Can I help you with something because I'm busy man, I've got things to do...."

Bobo:"I'm on the list, it seems I wrestle here...."

Guard:"You don't say. Let me get my list and check if you're on there. What's your name pal?"


The security guard grabs his list and goes in search of Bobo's name....

Guard:"Lets see....Bizarro.... Babyface Dragon, no....Bang, Rob van....naaa there's no Bobo on here pal. I know what you're trying to do, you're trying to get in without paying. Not on my watch pal!!!! Go and buy a ticket a like every other fan, now get going before I call the cops!!!!"

Bobo:"Hey listen up you clown!!!! I'm here by special invitation. Here, this is the letter Jared Fogle send me...."

Bobo pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and hands it to the security guard....

Guard:"You're by special invitation of Mr.Fogle? Let's see....Dear Bobo, bla bla bla bla I need your help bla bla bla bla clowns bla bla bla bls please please please help me. Signed, R+RW GM Jared Fogle....Eh well looks like you're really here by special invitation by Mr.Fogle. Eh I'm sorry I was just doing my job you know...."

Bobo:"Yeah yeah I'm familiar with work related problems. Now let me in, it's time to go to work...."

Guard:"Eh sure come in. I'm sure you're going to enjoy working here, the R+RW has a lot of talent...."

Bobo:"Sure but that's not why the Clownkiller is here....

Bobo enters the R+RW arena

....Hmmm well my hopes weren't high coming here and still I'm disappointed he he he....snif snif....You can smell it in the air, the foul smell of clowns....Now I know why I'm needed here....ah well I guess it's just antoher day in the life of a Clownkiller....It's time to clean up this damn circus...."

Bobo continuous his way and heads towards Jared's office....
Bobo the Clownkiller
Bobo the Clownkiller

Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-07-01

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