Rock & Roll Wrestling
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Mr Anti Rock pt 1

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Mr Anti Rock pt 1 Empty Mr Anti Rock pt 1

Post  Deano Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:54 pm

*A new wrestler makes his way to the ring with a kiss album in hand.*

Deano Robbo: Lades and jennets my name is Deano Robbo and I am the newest star in R&RW. Oh and Rock And Roll Wrestling what a studied name for a Wrestling Show.

Fans: Boo Boo Boo!!!

Deano Robbo: What? You studied drunk losers can't take a little criticism?

*Deano goes to the top rope to taunt the fans as they boo. Deano begins to talk agene.*

Deano Robbo: Well as you can see I have a peace of rubbish in my hands, a Kiss album.

Fans: Boo Boo Boo

*Deano stands with a smile on his face as the fans start to chant WE LOVE KISS, WE LOVE KISS*

Deano Robbo: Shut up you losers. You losers can just call me Mr. Anti Rock!!

*Deano spits on the Kiss album and walks up the ramp as the fans Boo.*

Posts : 22
Join date : 2010-07-28
Age : 28
Location : Scotland

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